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10 Delicious Bean Recipes to Help You Lose Weight

Beans receive mixed reviews in the weight loss community. On one hand, theyre a natural food, which experts normally recommend over processed foods topeople who want to lose weight. On the other hand, beans contain carbohydrates, andmany diets encourage people to limit their carb intake.

So, whats the verdict? Do beans belong on our plates?

A 2013 study conducted by researchersat Loma Linda University found that a high-fibre bean-rich diet was as effective as a low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss.Another study revealed that bean eaters weighed, on average, 7 pounds less and had slimmer waists than their bean-avoiding counterparts.

This is good news if you love beans. Its also good news if you want to eat healthy because researchhas suggested beanscan help:

  • Lower cholesterol

  • Regulate blood sugar

  • Reduce your risk of heart disease

  • Increase satiety (feeling full)

But maybe youre not sure where to start when it comes to eating more beansor maybe you just dont like beans. Thats not your fault. Most people think the only way to eat beans is to pile them on a plate and starting spooning them up. But thats just the tip of the iceberg. Beans are actually a very versatile food. Used correctly, you can add them to a dish and get all their health benefitswithout overpowering the other flavors in the meal.

Here are 10 recipes to help you get started with eating more beans.

1.Quinoa and Black Beans

Since this recipe requiresonly 15 minutes of prep time, youcan move on to other tasks while this tasty meal simmers.

2.Corn and White Bean Chowder

Make a big bowl of this delicious chowder for dinner and savethe leftovers foran easy microwavable lunch.

3.Southwest Salad

This enormous salad shows just how easy it is to add beans to a meal. And since beans naturally contain lots of fiber, youll be making the meal more filling too.

4.Smashed Chickpea & Avocado Salad Sandwich

This versatile chickpea and avocado salad can be used in a sandwich or a wrap. Its a no-cook recipe, which means faster prep time and fewer dirty dishes. By the way, chickpeas are also called garbanzo beans, and yes, they are a legume.

5.Snickerdoodle Blondies

Bet you didnt see this one coming. Beans are a surprisingly versatile food. Blend them up, and you can increase the fiber and nutrients in these blondies without spoiling the sweet taste. To be clear, theseblondies are still a dessert translation: you shouldnt eat ten of them if you want to lose weight. But they are a sweet way to get more of healthy the goodness of beans into your life.

6.Chicken and White Bean Chili

This meal combines the heartiness of chili with the fiber of beans to help you feel full longer.

7.Asian Slaw with Ginger-Peanut Dressing

Need more easy-to-make lunches you can take to work? Stuffthis salad into a plastic container and grab a piece of fruit. This recipe contains lima beans, a healthy legume many people forget about. Even if you didnt like them when you were younger, you should give them a try in this salad.

8.Black Bean and Quinoa Enchilada Bake

If youre like me, this recipe had you at enchilada. Plus, black beans (and pinto beans) go great with Mexican food. Now you have a reason to crack open your favorite jar of salsa.

9.Easy Tuscan Bean Soup

You can easilyadd beans to lots of soup recipes. Its a smart choice because the beans will make the soup more filling.

10.Breakfast Smoothie

Beans are a great natural source of protein. Add some blended beans to a smoothie, and you can be sipping on a healthy breakfast in no time.

Now you have 10 tasty bean recipes to help you lose weight and start enjoying the many other health benefits beans provide.If you dont know how to cook dry beans, or you would like to know how to cook dry beans for less gas, this free guide will help.


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