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What are the tips to become millionaire quickly? AnswerRequest

I am not answering this question as a millionaire but from researches I've made because I too want to be a millionaire. There are some few tips I'll like to share with you. 1]Knowledge: knowledge is power to be successful you need to read and learn and never stop learning because knowledge is power and without knowledge of what you're about to embark on you won't achieve anything and your business would crumble. Attend seminars and workshops on being an entrepreneur and watch YouTube videos if you have the money udemy courses are OK too. 2] Start up something: To become a millionaire is is never achievable when you work under someone and earn a salary. It's also wise you work under a company for internship purposes but also try to gain all possible experience from there so you won't be a novice when you start up your own. 3]Never give up: Now you have a startup idea or you already have a good business please you have to be persistent and try not to give up why most start ups fail is due to the fact that they give up after suffering a little setback. Let's take for example Thomas Edison tried 1000times before he made the incandescent bulb. Henry Ford mandated his engineers to manufacture the V8 car,He was told by the engineers that it was not possible but he disagreed because he was determined and it took over two years and maybe even more for the car to be produced and when it came out at that time it was a hit and he made a very high income and the highest ever since his company started producing cars. 4]Now have a mentor you want to be like and follow in his footsteps avoid his mistakes and don't just be exactly like him add something different to your own franchise/start up. 5]Make sure you have passion for what you're going to start up and the sky would be your beginning. Hope this helps.

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