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Why can't I ever create a successful website?

I've struggled with this too, for many years. Though I can't say I've found the answer, I have something to add that is consistently missing from the conversation. Get to know your target customer. I've recently come to terms with the fact that I'm doing this backwards. I have an idea, set up a site, create content, then start looking for customers. I've proven time and again that this strategy doesn't work, and the reason is that I've been leaving the most important step for last. Successful projects start with identifying a target customer (hopefully one who has money to spend) and solving a problem for that person - not people - one individual person. Before you can attract visitors, before you can optimize user experience, before you can target search keywords, you have to know clearly and in great detail WHO it is for. Without knowing who, the what, why, and how will be ineffective. Find or envision a single, unique person who represents your ideal customer. How old are they? What is their background? What do they hope for? What are their struggles? What skills do they have, or lack? What gets them excited? How do they spend their time? Create a detailed biography so this person becomes real and familiar to you. Next, make up conversations you could have with this person. What would they ask you? What would you say to help them? How would you say it so they can understand? Why would they believe you? With this you can start answering some questions that are more relevant to the success of your website. What is this person looking for? How can I show them that I have the information they need? What would incite them to make a connection or buy something? Where can I find them online? Instead of putting up a site and hoping people find value in it, build your site as if it were created especially for this one, unique individual with specific needs, interests, and feelings. Make it a conversation with one person instead of a presentation for the masses. Then it will attract that one person and many more who are similar. It is easy to forget that the virtual world is populated by real people, who are all seeking a real connection. Tailor your message to fit a person with depth and character because in reality, anyone who will join you is such a person.


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