انا اعمل علي انقاص وزني فهل التمر يساعد علي انقاص الوزن؟
يحتوي التّمر في تكوينه على نسبٍ عاليةٍ من الألياف والفيتامينات والمعادن؛ إذ يعتبر التّمر عنصراً غذائيّاً متكاملاً، وهو ليس من الاطعمه...
I think my new startup has $100B+ potential. How would an investor feel if I offered him 30% for $10
With all due respect, your numbers would be laughed at by a VC. There are currently ~76 companies on the entire planet valued at $100...
How much money does one need to comfortably retire in the Bay Area at age 35? Request
I retired in the Bay Area in 2007 age 40, With 2 kids in school, I own my home. I have found that you need at least $10k per month (after...
Why can't I ever create a successful website?
I've struggled with this too, for many years. Though I can't say I've found the answer, I have something to add that is consistently...
What are the tips to become millionaire quickly? AnswerRequest
I am not answering this question as a millionaire but from researches I've made because I too want to be a millionaire. There are some...
How can I change my life completely in the next 30 days?
There are a number of ways to change your life in 30 days and the answers I read here give you some pretty good suggestions. The more...
Those who are under 30 and make $300k+ a year, what do you do?
Typically for people under 30 making that much it's going to be a broad range of business owners/successful entrepreneurs that got...
What's the shrewdest, smartest maneuver you've ever seen in business? AnswerRequest
Herbert Dow founded Dow Chemical in Midland, Michigan when he invented a way to produce bromine cheaply. He sold the chemical for...
What are the unmet software needs of small/medium businesses?
A lot of tools exist, sometimes free, yet a lot of SMBs still use archaic and inefficient methods or tools.... Sometimes it's a problem...
My company is about to be bought which gives me around 250-300 million dollars. How should I deal wi
The best thing you could do is live in an area where crime is low, with gated residential houses preferably with securtiy entrance. ...